Hasidic Music
Aug 7 – 11, 2024
Morning only: 10 am - 1 pm

with Patrick Farrell and Sveta Kundish

The Hasidic movement started in the 18th century, and by the 19th century it had spread throughout Yiddishland, with a profound impact on spiritual, theological and social aspects of life for millions of Jews in Eastern Europe. Song and dance are essential parts of Hasidic life, seen as particularly powerful tools for elevating the soul, entering a spiritual state, and expressing devotion, longing, joy and grief. In this workshop, we’ll explore both the contents and contexts of this music and how this unique conception of it can provide inspiration for us in our own music making, regardless of personal spiritual or religious practice.

Led by Sveta Kundish and Patrick Farrell, this workshop is for all singers and instrumentalists who are ready to open themselves to a wide emotional range through Jewish music, from deeply contemplative to ecstatic. Hasidic music is primarily a vocal tradition, and singing together is an essential experience, so instrumentalists will sing as well as play in this workshop.
Both newcomers and participants in previous Hasidic Music workshops are very welcome.

Workshop fee: 197,50 € Standard /135 € Reduced / 272,50 € Sponsor / 72,50 € under 18

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