Sofia Labropoulou (AT/GR; kanun player, composer, improviser)

has developed a distinct sound by masterfully blending the worlds of folk, classical Ottoman, western medieval, experimental, and contemporary music.

Classically trained in piano and classical percussion from the age of 8, she instantly fell in love with the kanun when she first encountered it almost a decade later. After studying Byzantine music, she moved to Istanbul in 2003 to pursue her love of the kanun and study Ottoman music.

As a soloist, Sofia collaborates with renowned composers, musicians, and orchestras from all over the world, composes music, and presents kanun and Greek folk music masterclasses worldwide.

Her longtime duo with guitarist Vassilis Ketentzoglou released its first album, “Butterfly,” in 2013. Sofia’s first solo album, “Sisyphus,” was released in 2020. She currently lives in Vienna, Austria.

Photo: Vegel Daniel

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