Dear Friends of Yiddish Summer Weimar!

We’re in the middle of planning next year’s YSW. Here’s what we know so far, as of December 25th, 2024:

YSW25 will begin on July 12th and end on August 17th.

Dance Orchestra workshop: August 4th - 9th.
Dance Workshop: August 5th - 9th.
Dance Ball: August 9th.
Festival week: August 12th - 17th, with a special gala to celebrate the 25th year of YSW on Sunday, August 17th.

We’ll be publishing information about all of the other workshops and events as soon as possible, and we’ll let you know by newsletter and social media whenever there’s an update.

So subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all of the latest news!

Warmest greetings from the YSW team of the Other Music Academy!

We've got a new photo gallery!

Dear Friends & Fans of Yiddish Summer Weimar! We've got a new photo gallery! Join us for a look back at some special moments of Yiddish Summer Weimar 2024 thanks to the extraordinary work of our festival photographer, Shendi Copitman:
YSW 2024 Photo Gallery

Foto: Shendl Copitman

YSW 2024 Wrap-up

How did Yiddish Summer Weimar go this year? From July 12th - August 17th, some 12,000 people attended more than 100 events in Weimar, Erfurt, Eisenach, Leipzig, Essen and other towns and cities including even Thessaloniki.

Our 14 workshops drew more than 330 participants from 17 countries, and teachers and guest artists came to us from 20 countries including Greece, Turkey, Ukraine, Israel, Cyprus, France, the USA, Canada and Japan. During the Festival Week, August 7-11, 2024, more than 900 people participated in our mini-workshops and other hands-on events.

We ran two international youth music projects; YAM Ensemble, with young musicians from Germany, Greece and Turkey, and the Caravan Orchestra & Choir, with young musicians from Israel and Germany. On August 11th, YSW curated Erfurt's recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a daytime and evening program with more than 150 volunteers, musicians, performing artists and scholars. And all of this was just the tip of the iceberg. For many of us, the summer was a much needed reminder that people from very different backgrounds can come together and create a community built on trust, the thirst for knowledge, and a focus on shared histories and experiences.

Many thanks to everyone who gave their time, energy and creativity to make Yiddish Summer Weimar 2024 a success! Stay connected through our newsletter, the website and social media to learn the latest about plans for Yiddish Summer Weimar 2025.

Photo: Shendl Copitman

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Graphic by Sayumi Yoshida & Alan Bern

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