Workshop fees

Choose the workshop fee that's right for you!

At Yiddish Summer, we try hard to make our workshops affordable for everyone. That's why we have a three-tier fee structure: Standard, Reduced and Supporter, as well as a special Under-18 Youth Fee. It's entirely up to you which rate you choose. And no matter what you choose, discounts kick in starting on the 4th day, then again on the 7th day, then finally on the 21st day. We hope this makes it easier for you to stay longer with us and get deeper into Yiddish culture.

At the same time, as a charitable organization we are dependent on your generosity to be able to afford to run Yiddish Summer at all!. So, when you choose your fee level, please keep in mind both what you can comfortably afford and the value of the work we do. Thank you!

Standard fee:

The standard fee is 85€ per workshop day for the first three days. Starting with the fourth day the fee goes down to 70€, and from the seventh day onwards, the fee goes down again to 65€. Your total fee is calculated on the basis of the total number of days you participate in workshops.

Reduced fee:
This fee is for anyone who cannot afford the standard rate. The reduced fee is 60€ per workshop day for the first three days. Starting with the fourth day, the fee goes down to 45€, and from the seventh day onwards, the fee goes down again to 40€. Your total fee is calculated on the basis of the total number of days you participate in workshops.

Supporter fee:
Yiddish Summer Weimar participants help each other! This fee offers you the opportunity to help worthy students with limited financial means participate in Yiddish Summer Weimar. Together, three supporter fees are enough to create one scholarship for a deserving student. With a fee structure of 115€ per day, reduced to 100€ from the fourth day and reduced again to 95€ from the seventh day onwards, you are doing a good deed and directly helping your fellow workshop participants!

Under the age of 18:
For everyone under the age of 18, we offer a special rate of only 35€ per workshop day for the first three days. Starting with the fourth day, the fee goes down to 20€, and from the seventh day onwards, the fee goes down again to 15€. Your total fee is calculated on the basis of the total number of days you participate in workshops.

Whenever possible, we (Other Music Academy e.V.) will offer partial and/or full scholarships for workshop fees for and/or living expenses, depending upon our available funds and capacity. You can find all the necessary scholarship information in the FAQs.

Please note! Fee reductions are calculated based on your total number of workshop participation days. If you've registered for more than one workshop, you can calculate the cost using the table below. Please feel free to email or call us if you have any questions about how to figure out your total fees! All prices below in Euros!

  1st-3rd day 4th-6th day
(15/day discount)
7th day and after
(5/day discount)
  1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day 8th day 9th day 10th day 21st day
Standard 85/day 170 255 (70/day)325 395 465 (65/day) 530 595 660 725 1440
Reduced 60/day 120 180 (45/day) 225 270 315 (40/day) 355 395 435 475 915
Supporter 115/day 230 345 (100/day) 445 545 645 (95/day) 740 835 930 1025 2070
Under 18 35/day 70 105 (20/day) 125 145 165 (15/day) 180 195 210 225 390

(Please note! Fee reductions are already calculated in the price for workshops that last longer than 3 days. From the 7th day on, the daily price remains the same. If you want to book a workshop after you have already paid for one, please contact us:

Important: Your registration is only valid when the complete workshop fee has been received by Other Music Academy e.V. You will then receive confirmation that you are officially registered.

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